QSHE Commitment

Quality, Safety, Health and Environment

The existence and development of PT Sankyu Indonesia International as a service company relies on our ability to continuously improve our job performance and satisfy our clients by providing the optimal services, protecting safety and health of our workers and also the environment in which we work and live in accordance with laws and other applicable requirements

QSHE Aspects

As a service company, PT Sankyu Indonesia International strives to be best partner for customer by providing the best services and solutions. By having a high commitment to always improve our business in plant engineering, logistic solution and operational support, PT Sankyu Indonesia International will be able to establish, plan, implement and maintain each activities in accordance with the applicable needs.

Quality Commitment

Our commitment to provide the best quality of our products and services, as follows:

  1. Complying with all laws and regulations and also the generally accepted industry practices;

  2. Ensuring quality of work, providing safe and reliable solutions, and also improving products and services for customer satisfaction;

  3. Determining to prevent the nonconformities for products and services, by not causing miss delivery, delay, reworked, missing product and/or others which would be a complaint);

  4. Providing sufficient resources (e.g. people, infrastructure, environment for the operation or processes, monitoring and measuring resources and organizational knowledge) to ensure high quality services; and

  5. Establishing, implementing, maintaining and having continually improvement based on the quality management system required – ISO 9001:2015 for all of our services

Plant Engineering & Logistic Division
No. 296Q0631


SANKYU is ISO 9001 certified for both Logistics Division and Plant Engineering.

Logistics Division Scope

Maritim Transportation, Trucking of Heavy Equipment and Container, Warehousing Services, Logistic Bonded Center and Product Handling

Plant Engineering Division Scope

Plant Maintenance, Construction and Fabrication Services, Mechanical, Electrical & Civil Works, Assembling, Installation, Construction of Pipelines & Steel Structures

Safety & Health Commitment

Our commitment to provide the occupational safety protection and health for our workers related to our products and service activities, as follows:

  1. Complying with all laws and regulations and also the generally accepted industry practices;

  2. Removing hazard and reducing the occupational safety and health risk in each activities;

  3. Determining and providing the resources needed for the establishment, implementation, maintenance and continual improvement of the occupational safety and health management system;

  4. Ensuring the personal protective equipments are available for employees and external provider related to hazard at work places;

  5. Applying the Clean and Healthy Living Behavior in the workplace; and

  6. Establishing, implementing, maintaining and having continually improvement based on the occupational safety and health management system required – ISO 45001:2018 and Regulation of the Government No. 50 year 2012 regarding the Application of Occupational Safety and Health Management System for all of our services.

ISO 45001:2018
SN. 210965

Reg. SMK3.2022.MSI.SK-595


ISO 45001 certified for all Division in PT Sankyu Indonesia International, with scope as follows:

Mechanical Work, Fabrication and Assembling, Installation and Construction of Pipelines and Steel Structures, Maritim Transportation, Trucking of Heavy Equipment & Container, Warehousing Services and Product Handling

Environmental Commitment

Our commitment in protecting environmental workplace for every product and service activities, as follows:

  1. Complying with all laws and regulations and also the generally accepted industry practices;

  2. Determining to prevent the environmental pollution and strive to continually utilize natural resources and energy effectively and efficiently.

  3. Determining to create and develop recycling waste in its business activities; and

  4. Establishing, implementing, maintaining and having continual improvement based on of the environmental management system required – ISO 14001:2015 for all of our activities.

ISO 14001:2015
SN. 211107


ISO 14001 certified for all Division in PT Sankyu Indonesia International, with scope as follows:

Mechanical Work, Fabrication and Assembling, Installation and Construction of Pipelines and Steel Structures, Maritim Transportation, Trucking of Heavy Equipment & Container, Warehousing Services and Product Handling

Anti Bribery Commitment

PT Sankyu Indonesia International is committed to carrying out company activities with integrity to realize a transparent and clean company through consistent and sustainable efforts by:

  1. Carrying out company operations by upholding business ethics and being responsible and adhering to the Good Corporate Governance [GCG] guidelines with the principle of 4 No’s, as follows:
    a. No Bribery [No bribery and extortion]
    b. No Kickback [No commission, gratitude in any form]
    c. No Gift [No gifts or gratuities]
    d. No Luxurious [No excessive hospitality]

  2. Complying with all applicable anti-bribery laws and regulations and conducting compliance evaluations of their implementation;

  3. Establishing, implementing and complying with the anti-bribery management system [ISO 37001:2016]; in the company for continuous improvement efforts.


ISO 37001 certified for Head Office, Cikarang Logistics Center, Cilegon Branch and Cikarang Construction

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